Music in my life right now.

I was sitting on the bus yesterday, when I realised that I could really relate to the song playing, We Are to Follow by Blindside, so well, you'll have to read this boring blog-entry in my crappy english >.<

These streets are as cold and wet
As my eyes, flesh and bones are longing home
I was taken out of context
And to think you had me not speaking for a month or two
But it's not you I know
It's just me
Waiting for the sun to come out
Waiting for the sun to come back oh

We are to follow
What if I could stand still and get moved
We are to follow
What if I could stand still and get moved

We are to follow
We are nothing running blind
We are to follow
We are so sick of it now
We are to follow
But im scared to be left behind
We are to follow
We are, we are
Nothing now

The TV dies more and more for each day
And the beauty of your eyes in my hand
Makes the flashing lights behind me on the wall look even more pale
Four o'clock and the sky is getting red
And here I am, just me waiting

Waiting for the sun to come out
Waiting for the sun to come back oh

We are to follow
What if I could stand still and get moved
We are to follow
What if I could stand still and get moved

We are to follow
We are nothing running blind
We are to follow
We are, we are so sick of it now
We are to follow
But im scared to be left behind
We are to follow
We are, we are
Nothing now

I'm throwing myself at you,
And I'm holding on for  dear life,
Can I scream out of tune in this choir
Can I scream out of tune in this choir,
I'm throwing myself at you
And I'm holding on for dear life
Can I scream out of tune in this choir
God help me scream

We are to follow
We are nothing running blind
We are to follow
We are, we are so sick of it now
We are to follow
But im scared to be left behind
We are to follow
We are, we are
Nothing now

What if I would stand still and get moved

There's another part of the text, but I can't find it on the Internet, so I'll just leave it out, It's mostly screaming anyways.. The Bold parts are the parts that I feel is more "important" for how I feel..

However, I feel like this is how I'm feeling right now, 'cause I feel like if he's away for any longer I'll like give up, and right now I just feel like everything I'm doing right now is a lie, and the only thing I want to do is to meet him again, I would very much like him to come back to me and just help me and sometimes I feel like he's back, and then someone tells me that he's not. I don't know if it's just people that find it funny to make me sad or if they're actually right, and I don't know if what I'm doing is even to follow him, or if it's just me who so badly want's to follow him that I make up my own way to that, or to believe that I do that, or, whatever, I don't feel like you really can get what I mean.

Whatever, I thought that it would have been easier for me to express my feelings when I didn't have to switch between the languages, but I still can't express my feelings, my vocabulary in SWEDISH is not good enough... >.< I hate myself.

Postat av: Emelie

sv: tack werooo, tips är alltid bra att ha :)

2009-02-20 @ 18:41:14
Postat av: Anonym

Well thank you for correcting my english :) It's good to know that you use "hope" when i talk about myself. But the mistake with this and these is just a mistake, even I can those things =)

2009-02-20 @ 21:21:47
Postat av: Anton

Även här blev det lite fel, men jag är inte flawless. PUSS

2009-02-20 @ 21:22:26

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