Blog Action Day - Climate Change in the wiews of a christian.

I'm a christian, I believe that Jesus spread his arms on the cross for my sins so that I could have eturnal life and all that. But, in my belief there is also a part where you have to take care of what we have around us today.

I believe that God created this earth and even if we, the humans, were the last thing he created I am pretty sure that it is designed to fit us, and all the living creatures around us. Unfortunately, we're turning away from God and what he wants us to do. So what is it that he thinks we should do? First of all, I think he wants us to take care of what we have around us.

Taking care of things around us is something they teach us here in Sweden in first grade basically, in my class we got to learn a song that went something like "Care about everything that's living, care about everything that's growing, 'cause life is a chain and every link is equally important, help us save the forests and air and earth and water! Here comes our children, come on now and think! The earth is ours, but it's only borrowed and what you borrow you're supposed to give back, like it was before." (If anyone knows this song - PLEASE don't try to sing it in english - nothing fits with the melody ^^) Anyhow, I believe that this song has a great point, we're just here here a shortshortshort time but in that time we destroy so much, without even noticing.

In my Bible there is this verse where it says that we, as followers of Christ, don't really live here on earth, our home is in heaven and we're only here for a short time. And if we're just here like on vaccation - then who are we to destroy this planet? Who are we to throw garbage on the streets and to poison the air? Is that what you do when you're a guest in someones house? I don't think so.


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